Online Education General FAQs

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What grades are offered by the Insight School of Washington (ISWA)?

ISWA serves Washington students in grades K–12. Our career and college prep program is open to high school students.

What does it cost to attend ISWA?

What subjects will my child study?

Does the program provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

Can my child work at their own pace?

Does ISWA loan computers and printers?

ISWA provides qualified families with a loaner computer. A parent or guardian (Learning Coach) must submit financial documents to prove their student’s qualification when they request a loaned laptop.

How do I request a loaner computer for my student?

When the Learning Coach (parent or legal guardian) requests a loaner computer, they must provide financial information during the registration process to determine their student’s eligibility.

Chromebooks are not compatible with our systems.

How much time do students spend on the computer?

How many students does ISWA admit into their program?

What are the eligibility requirements to enroll?

Students must be residents of the state of Washington. Kindergarten students must be five years of age on or before August 31st of the current school year.

High school students must be 20 years of age or younger on the first day of the school year. Students who turn 21 while enrolled may remain enrolled until the end of the current school year. High school students must also be able to demonstrate completion of the eighth grade through official transcript or homeschool portfolios.

What information is required for enrollment?

We are a school of choice, so enrollment documents include a District Release Form (sometimes called a “Choice Form”), which is requested through your resident school district.

You will also need to submit a utility bill (gas, water, cable, electric, phone landline) to show proof of residency.

What if my child is behind on credits or failing classes?

ISWA specializes in addressing the needs of struggling students. Beginning with your child’s teacher, there are several avenues of support at ISWA. The ISWA team proactively works with students and Learning Coaches to provide timely intervention when students are falling behind.

In collaboration with the student and Learning Coach, we develop a high school and beyond plan for each student in grades 8–12 to ensure students have a roadmap to success that’s specific to them.

Can students enroll and begin classes at any time of the year?

ISWA offers enrollment opportunities throughout the year. Elementary and middle school students are on a semester calendar, while high school students are on a trimester calendar.

Students can submit an enrollment application anytime during the year. Once approved, they can begin attending classes at the next scheduled start date. These start dates vary by grade level. Students should remain enrolled in their current school until their start date at ISWA to avoid attendance and truancy issues in the state of Washington.

What if my child has been expelled?

We will review each case based on records from your current or former school district. As a Washington public school, we may honor current expulsions from another district.

How do I request a transcript?

How do I receive information about my child’s IEP or 504 plan?

Do you provide curriculum for special needs children?

How do students interact socially?

Will this program intrude into my home?

How do I enroll my student?

Does ISWA offer NCAA-approved courses?